- To Test an inverter circuit.
- To Compare between other inverter circuit.
- To Check a misconduct (mistake) while doing early inverter circuit
Content / Procedure:
- Make a research about suitable circuit for DC - AC inverter, PWM and so on.
- Make an analysis for Basic inverter circuit
- Do a component test. Collect an old component that have been used in order to reduce a cost.
- Try to collect information about inverter circuit before etching my inverter circuit.
Result and Analysis:
- I'm done a construction for 100 Watt Inverter. This is the circuit that i get from www.circuitstoday.com.
- This little experiment was done by using my old equipments that have been used during my studies.
- The circuit diagram and the pictures for my testing inverter circuit was shown below:
- The performance of the 100 W inverter shown the right characteristic, and by doing this experiment, i'm clearly know what should be done in my real circuit. The component used for inverter is not widely different, because almost all of the component been used is the same.
- So, based on the experiment also, i'm getting a list for the equipment need for inverter and protection circuit. Below, is the listing component that i'm need to collect before construct my real inverter circuit.
Kenali Abdul Syafiq :
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